Do you have to do color sealing? No, of course not. At a bare minimum, you should apply a clear sealer on all of your grout to protect it. Just remember to reapply it after its expected 2-5yr life cycle depending on the wear and tear you give it. If you are ready for a total change in appearance and to give your floors that WOW factor, then it's time to consider color sealing. Color sealing is an option that may be what you didn't even realize you wanted in your home.
Beauty - Color Seal enhances, complements, and transforms your floors into something that feels good to come home to. It is a sealant so it protects your grout. But it also changes the color of your grout. Perhaps a bright white on that old tile in the shower or perhaps a shade the complements the tile you have so well that it gives is a new look saving you the expense of new tile. Even some of the outdated tiles in older homes can be given a fresh lease on life and updated by Color Seal.
Protection - Color Seal can last from 5-10yrs which is significantly longer than clear seal. It makes the grout so easy to clean. Perhaps as easy as the tile itself.
Color Seal can be applied to the grout lines of any ceramic or porcelain tile in shades that match or complement the tile depending on your preference.
Making your home look fabulous is the best reason to have Color Seal professionally applied. You can see from the pictures further down below how your floor can be transformed from ordinary to amazing with Color Seal. But let's start out with a practical and real life demonstration of the advantages of Color Seal. This is my home. I power cleaned my kitchen and laundry areas and then applied Color Seal. When I clean and seal, I always move the appliances and do underneath them if it is possible. Am I glad I did!
I was going out the door in the morning and went to set my coffee on the dryer by the back door. Not sure why it happened, but the coffee spilled all over the top of the dryer and splashed on the wall. I wasn't happy, but I quickly wiped it up and left for the day's work. I should have paid more attention to the amount of coffee missing from my cup compared to the amount I wiped up. Because......... when I came home, my daughter greeted me saying "I smell coffee, Dad" Believing myself innocent I replied that I had spilled some this morning but had cleaned it up so it was okay. She glanced down at the floor and noticed a bit of a coffee puddle coming out from under the dryer - guess I wasn't that innocent. Anyway, she volunteered to clean it up if I would pull the washer and dryer out. So I pulled the washer and dryer forward to reveal a huge dried up coffee stain/puddle. I expected it to clean up easily, but it was even easier than I imagined. My daughter simply took a wet paper towel and wiped it off the tile AND grout. Two minutes and it was all good. Take a look at the before and after pictures. Can you believe it? I wish the pictures were better, but I was leaning over the dryer when I took them.
Doggone Good Hard Surface Restoration
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